Limit switches

A wide range of models to meet all needs, with plastic or metal casings, in different widths and depths. Suitable for all types of application, even use in harsh environments and all types of industries (food, packing, lifting, automotive). This line is distinguished by a large number of operating heads and contact blocks making it one of the most interesting lines available on the market. Compliance with current standards and the quality of the product ensure optimum use throughout the whole world market.

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EP - Plastic pre-wired

Pre-wired limit switches with plastic casing. The EP series devices are suitable for several types of applications, thanks to their small size and the wide selection of available actuators. Also don’t forget the convenience of factory made wiring and the degree of protection IP67. Available with three different types of electrical connections and cable length up to 12 meters, in order to satisfy every design specifications.

EP1 - Fixing holes 20mm center to center – Device width 30mm
EP2 - Fixing holes 25mm center to center – Device width 35mm

Standard version: right electrical connection exit.
Available versions with left or central exit (add respectively digit “L” or “C” at the end of complete part number)

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EM - Metal pre-wired

Pre-wired limit switches with metal casing. The EM series devices are suitable for several types of applications, thanks to their small size and the wide selection of available actuators. Also don’t forget the convenience of factory made wiring and the degree of protection IP67. Available with three different types of electrical connections and cable length up to 12 meters, in order to satisfy every design specifications.

EM1 - Fixing holes 20mm center to center – Device width 30mm
EM2 - Fixing holes 25mm center to center – Device width 35mm

Standard version: right electrical connection exit.
Available versions with left or central exit (add respectively digit “L” or “C” at the end of complete part number)

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AM - Metal casing 30mm

Limit switches with metal casing and dimensions conform to the indications of EN 50047 standard. The AM series by COMEPI is an excellent solution in limit switches choice, beacuse of strength and high customizability, thanks to the wide selection of actuators and contact blocks configurations. These device ensure degree of protection IP66 and they are equipped with one threaded cable inlet with different types of thread. COMEPI produces these devices with excellent results in term of reliability, customer satisfaction and availability in developing new actuation solutions.

The connector is available with all the bipolar microswitches
(Z11, X11, Y11, W02, W20, Z02)

AM1M - Pre-wired - M12 Connector - 5 Poles
AM1 - One cable inlet – PG13.5
AM2 - One cable inlet – 1/2″ NPT
AM3 - One cable inlet – PG11
AM4 - One cable inlet – M16 x 1,5
AM5 - One cable inlet – M20 x 1,5

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AP - Plastic casing 30mm

Limit switches with plastic casing and dimensions conform to the indications of EN 50047 standard. The AP series by COMEPI is an excellent solution in limit switches choice, beacuse of reduced costs and high customizability, thanks to the wide selection of actuators and contact blocks configurations. These device ensure degree of protection IP65 and they are equipped with one threaded cable inlet with different types of thread. COMEPI produces these devices with excellent results in term of reliability, customer satisfaction and availability in developing new actuation solutions.

The connector is available with all the bipolar microswitches
(Z11, X11, Y11, W02, W20, Z02)

AP1M - Pre-wired - M12 Connector - 5 Poles
AP1 - One cable inlet – PG13.5
AP2 - One cable inlet – 1/2″ NPT
AP3 - One cable inlet – PG11
AP4 - One cable inlet – M16 x 1,5
AP5 - One cable inlet – M20 x 1,5

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DM - Metal casing 50mm

Limit switches with metal casing and three cable inlets. The DM series by COMEPI is an excellent solution in limit switches choice, beacuse of strength and high customizability, thanks to the wide selection of actuators and contact blocks configurations. These device ensure degree of protection IP66 and they are equipped with three threaded cable inlets with different types of thread. COMEPI produces these devices with excellent results in term of reliability, customer satisfaction and availability in developing new actuation solutions.

DM1 - Three cable inlets - PG13,5
DM2 - Three cable inlets - 1/2″ NPT
DM3 - Three cable inlets - PG11
DM4 - Three cable inlets - M16x1,5
DM5 - Three cable inlets - M20x1,5

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DP - Plastic casing 50mm

Limit switches with plastic casing and two lateral cable inlets. The DP series by COMEPI is an excellent solution in limit switches choice, beacuse of adaptability and high customizability, thanks to the wide selection of actuators and contact blocks configurations. These device ensure degree of protection IP65 and they are equipped with two threaded cable inlets with different types of thread. COMEPI produces these devices with excellent results in term of reliability, customer satisfaction and availability in developing new actuation solutions.

DP1 - Three cable inlets - PG13,5
DP2 - Three cable inlets - 1/2″ NPT
DP3 - Three cable inlets - PG11
DP4 - Three cable inlets - M16x1,5
DP5 - Three cable inlets - M20x1,5

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BP - Plastic casing 40mm

Limit switches with plastic casing and dimensions conform to the indications of EN 50041 standard. The BP series by COMEPI is suitable for heavy duty applications, thanks to their strength and reliability. These device ensure degree of protection IP65 and they are equipped with one threaded cable inlet with different types of thread. COMEPI produces these devices with excellent results in term of reliability, customer satisfaction and availability in developing new actuation solutions.

The connector is available with all the bipolar microswitches
(Z11, X11, Y11, W02, W20, Z02)

BP1M - Pre-wired - M12 Connector - 4 Poles
BP1 - One cable inlet - PG13,5
BP2 - One cable inlet - 1/2″ NPT
BP5 - One cable inlet - M20x1,5

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BM - Metal casing 40mm

Limit switches with metal casing and dimensions conform to the indications of EN 50041 standard. The BM series by COMEPI is particularly suitable for heavy duty applications, thanks to their strength and reliability. These device ensure degree of protection IP66 and they are equipped with one threaded cable inlet with different types of thread. COMEPI produces these devices with excellent results in term of reliability, customer satisfaction and availability in developing new actuation solutions.

The connector is available with all the bipolar microswitches
(Z11, X11, Y11, W02, W20, Z02)

BM1M - Pre-wired - M12 Connector - 4 Poles
BM1 - One cable inlet - PG13,5
BM2 - One cable inlet - 1/2″ NPT
BM5 - One cable inlet - M20x1,5

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CM - Metal casing 60mm

Limit switches with metal casing and three cable inlets. The CM series by COMEPI is particularly suitable for very heavy duty applications, thanks to their strength and reliability. These device ensure degree of protection IP66 and they are equipped with three threaded cable inlet with different types of thread. COMEPI produces these devices with excellent results in term of reliability, customer satisfaction and availability in developing new actuation solutions.

CM1 - Three cable inlets - PG13,5
CM2 - Three cable inlets - 1/2″ NPT
CM5 - Three cable inlets - M20x1,5

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Limit switches for special applications

The limit switches production by COMEPI is to complete thanks to these devices, designed in order to satisfy particoular requests in certain applications. COMEPI is a company always open to research and development, also collaborating with our customers to evaluate new customizations, in order to fulfill at new industrial needs.

Limit switches for low temperature
Limit switches with directional signals
Limit switches for door closing simulation
Limit switches for over-speed devices

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Pull wire limit switches

Limit switches with rope for simple stop, without manual reset. These limit switches are useful for signalling and for commanding doors or similars. Available also in special version with double signal in traction or release, helpful to signal an eventual loss of tension due to the breaking of the rope.